Clients are grouped into map codes below. New clients are scheduled for the next time we are in the area, which is 5 business days or less for primary areas, 10 business days or less for secondary areas. Same applied for service calls. Since the areas we are working each week are predetermined, any client requests, new clients, or service calls can just be dropped into the day we are in their area next.
Primary Areas (Every Week)
GAIN- Gainesville
HAYM- Haymarket
BRIS- Bristow
WARR- Warrenton, Vint Hill
ALDI- Aldie, South Riding
CHAN- Chantilly, Oak Hill, Centreville
Secondary Areas (Every Other Week)
LEES- Leesburg, Ashburn, Brambleton
REST- Reston, Herndon, Sterling, Cascades
FAIR- Fairfax, Fair Oaks, Vienna, Oakton, Burke
MANA- Manassas, Clifton, Woodbridge